“Move in the direction of your ideal self…”

Nancy Salzman is the president and co-founder of Executive Success Programs, a company that offers personal and professional development programs designed to help people discover, develop and utilize more of their untapped potential.

As part of a video series with Ms. Salzman, we asked her to start by describing what Executive Success Programs is and what makes it unique. Stay tuned for more videos and insight from her long career in the human potential field.

NANCY SALZMAN – President and Co-Founder, Executive Success Programs

With over thirty years of intensive study and practice in the fields of healthcare, human potential and human empowerment, Nancy brings an incredible wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience to her role as President of Executive Success Programs. Nancy spent many years seeking out and mastering models of human empowerment—from Neuro-linguistic Programming (having studied with both Bandler and Grinder) to psychobiology (with Joan Borysenko) to Ericksonian Brief Solution Based therapy (studying directly under Milton Erickson, Ernest Rossi and Stephen Gilligan). She practiced individual and family counseling before expanding to the field of human potential.

She then worked as a corporate consultant for the state of New York and companies such as Con Edison and American Express, until she met Keith Raniere and discovered an approach to personal growth that yielded powerful and permanent results. In 1998, she and Mr. Raniere founded Executive Success Programs. She divides her time between developing new curriculum with Mr. Raniere’s concepts, teaching advanced trainings, executive coaching, and studying the application of Rational Inquiry® in multiple contexts. Nancy’s varied experience and unique expertise, coupled with a genuine care for people, make her the company’s leading executive coach. In this capacity, she has and continues to coach and provide special counsel to CEOs, international dignitaries, celebrities, professional athletes, intellectuals and many others.

Since 2013, after witnessing how Rational Inquiry® profoundly reduced the symptoms of Tourette’s Syndrome in a single individual, Nancy partnered with the Ethical Science Foundation to reproduce these results in others. Since then, they have helped over ten people overcome most symptoms of severe Tourette’s Syndrome. These findings may have major implications for the Tourette’s community, as well as the functional application of Rational Inquiry® in aiding other neurobiological conditions. She is currently investigating these implications as they relate to auto-immune disorders.

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